Tuesday, 4 April 2017


I was in a conversation with a friend from the neighborhood and I got talking to him about Jesus Christ, but he said, Look, I know everything about Jesus, dont forget I  attend a missionary school.So why hasnt  he given his life to Christ yet? His answer: know Ill sin again
This is the reason why most of us do not desire to be a Christian after all. Theres this lie the enemy keeps telling us: you will sin again, you cant meet up to the standardsChristianity is hardand it goes on. Like this guy, Ive once believed these lies and distant myself from God. But the truth is being a Christian doesnt mean you wont sin again, it simply means you dont have to sin again because you can say NO.
Accept Christ today, and find out how you can overcome the temptations, trials and tests that comes at you everyday. You might be Christian already but you also find that youre not living the victorious life God intended for you as His Child because youre constantly giving in to the temptations and lies thrown at you by the devil; you keep falling short and your life is on a sin-confess-sin-confess cycle and you sincerely desire a change.
This post is for you.
Lemme quickly say this again: Being a Christian do not mean you can not sin again, it means you dont have to sin again because really, you can say NO. Let this verse from the scriptures be your revelation as it was mine:
No temptation has overtaken you
except such as is common to man, but
God is faithful, who will not allow you
to be tempted beyond what you are
able, but with the temptation will also
make a way of escape that you may be
able to bear it.” – 1 Corinthians 10: 13.

This verse is so revealing as it holds three essential truths that will open us to freedom if we really get hold of what it is saying and willfully apply it to our lives.
The first part of the text reads No
temptation has overtaken you except
such as is common to man
We need to first put in mind that temptation in itself is not sin, it is in yielding to it that we actually sin and as Christians we have all it takes to unyield and send the Devil packing. One sure step to doing this is to realize youre not alone; whatever youre going through in your life, someone else has gone through it, some are going through it right now and some are yet to go through it. God has said it is a common thing. Just as we all experience
the pain of toothing as children, so will we all be tempted and we can OVERCOME! No problem is peculiar to you. Knowing that youre not alone should be a relief. So do not be sorry for yourself nor see yourself as a Satan-victim because youre not.

Reading on
But God is faithful, who will not allow
you to be tempted beyond what you are
GOD IS FAITHFUL! Hallelujah! He wont allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle meaning YOU ARE ABOVE WHAT YOU ARE FACING. This should get you reassured. I cant ask my 3 years old
niece to lift a 25kg load. Why? She canbear it. But I can ask you to, because I know
you can bear it. Did you get the idea? Itthe same with God and you. Hes not the one tempting you (James 1: 13) but He might permit it so you can show em what youre made of and make Him proud as He was with Job and with our Lord Jesus Christ when He said This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. You can decide to not do what the world or the flesh or the devil is telling you to do. Its written black and white in your Bible: Greater is He
that is in you.

And the third part of the verse says “… But
with the temptation will also make the
way of escape that you might be able to
bear it
Do you know that God has made a way of escape for you as you go through this challenge in your Christian walk? Its all in there in Jesus Christ who is ever available to you.
In Christ, youre always in charge and you can walk away
Your escape way is in the Word of God. Just as Christ countered Satan in the wilderness
with Scriptures, you can also do same. As you begin and continue to acquaint yourself with the word of God, and acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in you, and adhere to His teachings and counsel, as you continue to rely on Him, you are actually creating an escape way for yourself in the time of temptations and trials. Counter those contrary thoughts, lies, and wrong ideas with the word of God . And see your life move from glory to glory.
I pray as you put these into practice in your everyday life, youll come to realize and
experience that wonderful life God had always wanted you to have. Amen.

PERSONAL TESTIMONY: This verse was the
first verse I memorized after rededicating my
life to Christ in 2013. I had just asked God
how He expected me to not backslide with
temptations everywhereand in less than 10
minutes I was staring at that verse in awe
and excitement, God spoke to me!.
Ive put this into practice in my everyday life
from then on and Ive been winning although
Ive not gotten there yet and still make
mistakes but He keeps reminding me No
condemnation Simi(Romans 8: 1). I fall but
I rise and I keep rising higher and higher to
the praises of God. So I bless God for this

Remember, YOU CAN SAY NO! So say it and
MEAN it!
TEMPTATION is nothing serious, its below you and very very conquerable through Christ.
Thank you for reading through. Looking forward to hearing your own testimony soon!
Remain blessed.

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