Tuesday, 4 April 2017


Bro Shola, my leader in the drama unit, gave the sermon in church one Sunday. The thing about this brother that I so much appreciate is that he is funny, dramatic, encouraging and definitely not disappointing. Yet, his topic was DISAPPOINTMENTS. We would start our exams the next day and this bro is talking about disappointments, I wasn’t understanding but by the time he was done, I knew it was just what I needed.

Okay, this post is not about disappointment in any way but during the message, it happened that we found ourselves somewhere in Acts - chapter 2, verse 12 and it read: ‘And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance’.
I was like ‘wow’ cause a question popped in my heart, ‘who told you that?’as i read.
I’m going to be taking this verse a little out of context but stay with me, it’s good stuff.

Who told you that implies ‘where did you get that information’, ‘what is your source? ‘who have you been listening to?’ ‘who have you been believing’?

The verse says: ‘And they spoke, as the Spirit gave them utterance’. The Message Bible puts it this way; ‘as the Spirit prompted them’.

Now here’s a question for the christian reading this, ‘what have you been saying?’ ‘what are you saying?’ ‘who or what prompted you to say those things?’ where did you get that information?’ ‘who told you that?’

I’m talking about in our everyday life.

If we will agree, as Christians, when we begin to say things that are out of the will of God. When we start to say things that do not correlate with the words of life, we start to struggle, doubts set in, we give people the wrong of idea of who we truly are and represent.

Jesus said ‘the words that I speak, they are spirit and they are life’ - John 6:63
‘If a man can control his tongue, he is perfect’ - James 3: 2.
I just want to admonish us today, make decisive dedication to ensure how you speak and what you say are life. And always ask yourself ‘who told me this?’, ‘is this the lesson I learnt from my Bible? Are these words seasoned with salt enough to my hearers? ‘is it under-salted or over-salted?

It’s not how you talk if it doesn't edify.
You can do something about it.
Subject your body by the words of the Lord.
If you’re a christian, you are a new person altogether, you just have to get closer to things that enlightens us, feeding yourself with the right books, right materials, renewing your mind and letting the Holy Spirit speak through and give you what to say.

Maybe what we need to do is: Meditate on the true, noble, pure, lovely, good,virtuous and praiseworthy things.
it goes a long way to helping us renew our minds which in turns helps us speak right. (Phil. 4: 8).

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