Tuesday, 4 April 2017


It’s interesting how we believe we are our kids’ teachers. We believe if we don’t take care of them, who will? (yeah, who will? better take care of your child. lol). We think we hold such a big responsibility as training them, teaching them life lessons and helping them grow wise. This, of course, is a good thing but more often than not, we ourselves need to go back to being “like a child” to get things right.
When I say like a child, I mean to ‘believe like a child’ (Matthew 18: 2 -4), to ‘receive like a child’ (Mark 10: 5), to forgive like a child and be ‘humble like a child’. You see, Jesus Christ said this is important to enter into the Father’s Kingdom, but do you know this is also important to experience the Kingdom of the Father here on earth? Yes, it is. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if only we, the grown ups, try being a child all our lives?
The life of a child is a life void of doubt,hatred, fears, anger and pride to name just a few. Jesus lived the life of a child. He was always so conscious of the truth that He had a father. He called himself, “Son of Man”, “Son of God” – He lived the life of a child- A LIFE OF LOVE - the life of a child of God.
Have you ever prayed to God to help you become a better representative of Him? And did you wait to hear His reply? This is what He probably would say and is still saying; “Go back to being a child, learn from a child. You know that kid, don’t you? learn from her.”
I’m not saying a child is perfect. However, your spirit has been made perfect in Christ Jesus, as you yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit in you, you become a better child – you become a child of God.
This is how God wants you to be a better big sis or bro to your lil ones, this is how God wants you to be a better mom or dad to your children. This is how we get the right results from our kids in whatever area we desire right results. BY BEING A CHILD OF GOD.
I serve in the Children Department in my church and i tell you, it’s the best place to
be in the world. The Lord told me my purpose there is to “learn to be a child again, and to help the kids remain kids”. Which just sums my life up… although, i still have a lot to learn from them, but everything i’ve learnt so far has revolutionized my life. And i in turn encourage and nurture these godly characters in them so they do not find themselves in my shoes later in the future. lol.
You don’t have to serve in the children church like i do, but the whole idea of this post is to bring your consciousness to the truth that you become a better Christian when you are “like a child” and get you to do something about it. Something like ask God to help you see godly lessons in the lives of every kid you come across. Something like encourage and build up these godly characters in them. You have His divine power given to you for all things that pertain to life and godliness (2
Peter 1: 3). When you trust God on this, your life will never remain the same again.
Start with a kid today…
Thank you. And God bless.

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