Saturday, 16 September 2017
Last week Saturday, i attended the Refined Conference, an initiative of Pst. Funmi Ovie-Daniels, founder of the Unveiled Woman Network. It was a great meeting! I was greatly blessed. I must not forget to add that i was late though. Lateness is still one of my weaknesses that i’m not even trying to overcome yet. But don’t look at me like that, i’m not that bad. Reason why i won’t tell you the time the meeting started and the time i arrived.
It was my second time attending the Conference this year. Yes, i was late too. But early enough to not miss the Table Talk. This segment of the program entails special guests sharing a bit of their lives with us.
Earlier this year, i remember crying at Anita Okanigbe’s story and wowed at the Timilehin Edwin’s story. I was sure to share it with my friends and family. I thought to myself, ‘thank God they don’t look like what they’ve been through.’
I would say that I was especially blessed by those stories in the last edition because well... I love stories; i never forget stories, i connect better with stories plus i teach children who loves stories.
And in this recent edition, i was blessed again by the wonderful stories of the women of God that spoke.
Don’t ask me what they shared. Cause i’m not going to tell you. Maybe in future posts. Why did you miss it anyway? I can excuse the guys. But you, girl. You missed it? Is it good?
No, right? No problem.
Let me continue. For the Table Talk, we had Mrs. Princess Olufemi-Kayode and Chizobam Ofoegbu tell us something you would never had guessed about their lives. I was seated at the back back back... Listening very attentively to their awe-inspiring stories when my thought flashed back to the last meeting i attended and how it was different women seating on the chair, addressing us.
My mind settled on the word DIFFERENT for a while. Different people. Different experience. Different Story. Different impact.
You know, you are different from me and we have a different story to tell.
I have a story, you have a story, they have a story, we have a story... A story to tell.
It’s a beautiful art.
Pst. Rick Warren in his Purpose Driven Life book said we all have a SHAPE. An acronym for Spiritual Gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality and Experience. I believe these five things sums up our story really. They are the essential ingredients that blends so perfectly to give us our own unique story.
I have an interesting question for you. Where are you right now in your story?
Some of us haven’t grown to discover and fully leverage the potentials deposited in us by God.
Many of us are still setting our hearts on things that does not add any spice other than to make sour our story.
Some of us are still fighting who we are... We haven’t come to accept ourselves the way we truly are. We’re still trying to be someone else. Some of us are trying to fight one weakness or the other.
Some of us are still trying to succeed at our dreams and it’s becoming really frustrating. In fact, we’ve given up.
Some of us are trying to survive. Many of us are ashamed of what we’ve done and been through, we haven’t forgiven our mistakes. While some of us are just scared of the unknown.
We haven’t figured our lives out yet.
And really, it’s okay. If you identify with one or two, it’s okay. It’s okay if that’s the point you are right now with life. It’s okay that you haven’t gotten all of your acts together yet. It’s okay that you’re probably such a mess right now.
It’s all just a part of the story. Let’s call it the boring part of the story; the part filled with so much ignorance, bitterness, anxiety, fear, rejection and disappointments and its likes. It’s just a part. But your story doesn’t end here. Let’s get it to the climax... To the part where Jesus gives you life and life more abundantly. To the part where He gives rest to your soul, the part where in Him, you live and move and have your being. That part where His grace is so sufficient for you, His love so unfathomable, and his mercies forever new.
Dear friend, this part of the story is called GLORY.
I hope you get here soon. Receive Jesus.
Monday, 1 May 2017
There are some people who won’t be on holiday today because we’ll need them. The bike-men, the public transport drivers, market traders, hawkers, nurses and doctors and the likes. I don’t know what you call them, I believe they are also workers.
Still in the spirit of Workers’ Day, I implore us to do something unusually nice to them today.
You could be creative in your own way, give tips or tokens and say something encouraging. Anything to spark a smile, I’d say.
Years back, I made it an habit to be as polite and nice I can be to the sets of workers that are especially earning low.
Before I board a bike, I say a simple greeting - if I forget, I do so while we’re on the way and strike any conversation.
I remember the day, when my lil gestures made real sense. I was returning from work myself and I boarded a bike to take me home, we were started on the journey before I realized I hadn’t done my usual thing so I apologized and greeted him properly. I was surprised at what he replied me with, he said ‘you dey greet okada man?’ I was like, Ehn now, he is older than me and courtesy demands it. Then he asked ‘which tribe you be?’, then which religion. I didn’t want to answer cause i felt my greeting him really wasn’t a tribe or religion thing but I told him I was Christian and Yoruba. He told me how he doesn’t really get such courtesy from his customers, either young or old, cause many of them don’t seem to recognize that they are also humans but just ‘okada man’ probably because he didn’t go to school, drives bike and is poor.
I could tell that he was surprised and pleased with me. I didn’t think it could come to that but I was happy that I created a better impression. You need to see the way he was praising me, my upbringing, and faith.
I can’t exactly remember whether I paid when I dropped but I tell you I’ve had occasions where I didn’t need to or got a discounted price just cause of the little things like saying ‘good evening sir’, ‘how is work?’ ‘God will help us all, it will be well.’ when they share their challenges.
That day onward, I knew I was doing something great even though it was really small, he encouraged me; I was encouraged and I have even extended this to other services that I am paying for, I don’t forget to say ‘Thank You’
Sometimes, I get a ‘no, I should be thanking you.’ ‘God bless you my sister’, ‘you are welcome’, ‘thank you too’, or ‘na my work’, some don’t seem to mind me. But it’s all good, I believe it’s a good vibe.
And today I advise you to do same and more if you can.
Although I dey ‘Broke-lyn’ right now. But I’ll be sure to do the other little things I can afford.
Share love. Appreciate!
First off, Welcome to May!
Today May 1st has been set aside to celebrate every worker in the world (differs in some countries though) . I am using this medium to say THANK YOU and WELL-DONE to you all for what you do. As long as your service is adding value to humanity, I celebrate you.
Why am I saying this?
Because it’s not easy, especially to those doing 8 - 6. chai!
Lemme tell you this story, when I finished secondary school and admission didn’t come in as early as I had thought. I worked.
Worked as a secretary (with some jara duties) and I liked the experience. Because as time went by I knew I was brought there for a purpose because within that year I became a totally different person (but not without flaws).
I would not say I struggled for the job cause I didn’t even go through the normal process. No application letter, no submitting CV, even my interview wasn’t hot. Shout out to my big sis Funmi that got me into computer school, and worked out finding the job and negotiating the fee.
My mummy didn’t like the idea of me working, ‘she was like you are not suffering, it’s going to be hectic, you need to prepare for JAMB.’ etc. But we all managed to get her to accept.
And if you asked my boss, his assistant pastors, his wife, my mummy, my sisters, my brothers, my cats, even strangers how I did as a worker.
They will say ‘odikwa worst’.
But if you ask me, I’d say ‘fair enough, just had a little challenge’
If you ask me to be truthful, I’d say ‘odikwa worst’ (maybe).
In punctuality, it was nothing to write home about. My resumption time was 8am, and I don’t think I ever resumed early enough except during my first week when I was still excited and enthusiastic.
Many times, I barely made it by 10!
Yet, I always felt stressed!
I have a big challenge with being punctual.
You could chalk it up to being young and without responsibilities.
My boss was very very very very very very lenient with me to take my nonchalant attitude to work 1 year plus few months (I was excellent at other things anyway).
They leave home as early as 4 a.m. to beat traffic and get to work on time but get stuck in traffic on returning home, they get home exhausted but still continue the cycle the next morning cause if you are late, your salary gets deducted and you stand a big chance at being sacked. Finding jobs is not easy.
Some are under the pressure of meeting a huge target yet earning something meagre. Some are putting in so much to the job but it goes unrecognized.
It’s not soft work.
We appreciate you on this blog.
Let’s discuss:
1. Did you get a job in your early teens? If YES, How did you do? I hope I was not the only late-coming teen worker. If NO, why not?
2. What are the challenges in your current job?
Today May 1st has been set aside to celebrate every worker in the world (differs in some countries though) . I am using this medium to say THANK YOU and WELL-DONE to you all for what you do. As long as your service is adding value to humanity, I celebrate you.
Why am I saying this?
Because it’s not easy, especially to those doing 8 - 6. chai!
Lemme tell you this story, when I finished secondary school and admission didn’t come in as early as I had thought. I worked.
Worked as a secretary (with some jara duties) and I liked the experience. Because as time went by I knew I was brought there for a purpose because within that year I became a totally different person (but not without flaws).
I would not say I struggled for the job cause I didn’t even go through the normal process. No application letter, no submitting CV, even my interview wasn’t hot. Shout out to my big sis Funmi that got me into computer school, and worked out finding the job and negotiating the fee.
My mummy didn’t like the idea of me working, ‘she was like you are not suffering, it’s going to be hectic, you need to prepare for JAMB.’ etc. But we all managed to get her to accept.
And if you asked my boss, his assistant pastors, his wife, my mummy, my sisters, my brothers, my cats, even strangers how I did as a worker.
They will say ‘odikwa worst’.
But if you ask me, I’d say ‘fair enough, just had a little challenge’
If you ask me to be truthful, I’d say ‘odikwa worst’ (maybe).
In punctuality, it was nothing to write home about. My resumption time was 8am, and I don’t think I ever resumed early enough except during my first week when I was still excited and enthusiastic.
Many times, I barely made it by 10!
Yet, I always felt stressed!
I have a big challenge with being punctual.
You could chalk it up to being young and without responsibilities.
My boss was very very very very very very lenient with me to take my nonchalant attitude to work 1 year plus few months (I was excellent at other things anyway).
They leave home as early as 4 a.m. to beat traffic and get to work on time but get stuck in traffic on returning home, they get home exhausted but still continue the cycle the next morning cause if you are late, your salary gets deducted and you stand a big chance at being sacked. Finding jobs is not easy.
Some are under the pressure of meeting a huge target yet earning something meagre. Some are putting in so much to the job but it goes unrecognized.
It’s not soft work.
We appreciate you on this blog.
Let’s discuss:
1. Did you get a job in your early teens? If YES, How did you do? I hope I was not the only late-coming teen worker. If NO, why not?
2. What are the challenges in your current job?
Thursday, 6 April 2017
‘Now when Jesus had come into Peter’s house, He saw his wife’s mother lying sick with a fever. And He touched her hand, and the fever left her. Then she arose and served them.’ - Matthew 8 :14 - 15
Notice that what Peter’s mom-in-law was healed from was fever. We take fever lightly nowadays. But that was just what she was healed of, yet she took it upon herself to show gratitude by serving using her new found in Christ health to prepare everyone including Jesus Himself a sumptuous dinner.
That’s just all to the passage.
Do you know that any true testimony of salvation should inspire and fuel a zeal in us for service to the Lord just the way it did with Peter’s mother-in-law?
In the now application, we have a sea of testimonies as a result of the finished work of Christ.You can not deny this.
We’ve seen Him come through for us in healing (sicknesses even worse than fever), we seen Him raise our finances, promote us, see us through safe delivery; admission into the university, you got that job, you got the contract, you name it!
And you are even breathing now o or do you not know that ‘we lay down and slept; we awoke, for the Lord sustained us’? - Psalm 3: 5
Then there’s salvation that has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into light - to the kingdom of the Son of His light - seated with Him in the Heavenly places (Col. 1 : 12- 14: Eph. 2: 6).
When we think deeply through the several dimensions of God’s goodness in our lives, we should be thankful. It should trigger in us the desire and willingness to serve this God and our fellow men in thanks.
Gratitude is an attitude, beyond just singing praises and dancing hard on Sundays.
Serve God in your church.
Serve your family.
Serve your community.
Serve your country.
Serve strangers.
Serve with your money.
Serve with your time.
Serve with any resources available to you.
Serve because you are thankful…
Notice that what Peter’s mom-in-law was healed from was fever. We take fever lightly nowadays. But that was just what she was healed of, yet she took it upon herself to show gratitude by serving using her new found in Christ health to prepare everyone including Jesus Himself a sumptuous dinner.
That’s just all to the passage.
Do you know that any true testimony of salvation should inspire and fuel a zeal in us for service to the Lord just the way it did with Peter’s mother-in-law?
In the now application, we have a sea of testimonies as a result of the finished work of Christ.You can not deny this.
We’ve seen Him come through for us in healing (sicknesses even worse than fever), we seen Him raise our finances, promote us, see us through safe delivery; admission into the university, you got that job, you got the contract, you name it!
And you are even breathing now o or do you not know that ‘we lay down and slept; we awoke, for the Lord sustained us’? - Psalm 3: 5
Then there’s salvation that has translated us from the kingdom of darkness into light - to the kingdom of the Son of His light - seated with Him in the Heavenly places (Col. 1 : 12- 14: Eph. 2: 6).
When we think deeply through the several dimensions of God’s goodness in our lives, we should be thankful. It should trigger in us the desire and willingness to serve this God and our fellow men in thanks.
Gratitude is an attitude, beyond just singing praises and dancing hard on Sundays.
Serve God in your church.
Serve your family.
Serve your community.
Serve your country.
Serve strangers.
Serve with your money.
Serve with your time.
Serve with any resources available to you.
Serve because you are thankful…
Tuesday, 4 April 2017
It’s interesting how we believe we are our kids’ teachers. We believe if we don’t take care of them, who will? (yeah, who will? better take care of your child. lol). We think we hold such a big responsibility as training them, teaching them life lessons and helping them grow wise. This, of course, is a good thing but more often than not, we ourselves need to go back to being “like a child” to get things right.
When I say like a child, I mean to ‘believe like a child’ (Matthew 18: 2 -4), to ‘receive like a child’ (Mark 10: 5), to forgive like a child and be ‘humble like a child’. You see, Jesus Christ said this is important to enter into the Father’s Kingdom, but do you know this is also important to experience the Kingdom of the Father here on earth? Yes, it is. Wouldn’t the world be a better place if only we, the grown ups, try being a child all our lives?
The life of a child is a life void of doubt,hatred, fears, anger and pride to name just a few. Jesus lived the life of a child. He was always so conscious of the truth that He had a father. He called himself, “Son of Man”, “Son of God” – He lived the life of a child- A LIFE OF LOVE - the life of a child of God.
Have you ever prayed to God to help you become a better representative of Him? And did you wait to hear His reply? This is what He probably would say and is still saying; “Go back to being a child, learn from a child. You know that kid, don’t you? learn from her.”
I’m not saying a child is perfect. However, your spirit has been made perfect in Christ Jesus, as you yield to the workings of the Holy Spirit in you, you become a better child – you become a child of God.
This is how God wants you to be a better big sis or bro to your lil ones, this is how God wants you to be a better mom or dad to your children. This is how we get the right results from our kids in whatever area we desire right results. BY BEING A CHILD OF GOD.
I serve in the Children Department in my church and i tell you, it’s the best place to
be in the world. The Lord told me my purpose there is to “learn to be a child again, and to help the kids remain kids”. Which just sums my life up… although, i still have a lot to learn from them, but everything i’ve learnt so far has revolutionized my life. And i in turn encourage and nurture these godly characters in them so they do not find themselves in my shoes later in the future. lol.
You don’t have to serve in the children church like i do, but the whole idea of this post is to bring your consciousness to the truth that you become a better Christian when you are “like a child” and get you to do something about it. Something like ask God to help you see godly lessons in the lives of every kid you come across. Something like encourage and build up these godly characters in them. You have His divine power given to you for all things that pertain to life and godliness (2
Peter 1: 3). When you trust God on this, your life will never remain the same again.
Start with a kid today…
Thank you. And God bless.
“When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” – 1 Corinthians 13: 11.
I reason with Apostle Paul like seriously, because it’s my story too. I was so childish when I was a child. Like my lil David, I was also ‘ignocent’ and I have a good laugh each time I relive these memories.
Top 5 things I did as a child:
1. I planted garri* – My mom likes to have garri in the house! She thinks it saves life (you know) and I thought of surprising her with freshly planted garri. So I planted! Looking back now I wonder how I expected the garri to grow. Lol
2. I taught trees, stones, sticks etc. – I really really love to teach. I’m the last child, my elders won’t possibly sit and have me teach them ABC. But I find these non living things better students. Very attentive, only that I have to help them talk, help them understand, help them with classworks and homeworks. Almost everything!
3. I played “mummy and daddy” with my first friend ever Bobo. I liked to be a mummy. I thought mummies have interesting responsibilities: cook food, do laundry and take care of the children. Ask Bobo, I was a good ‘mummy’, no not wife, mummy, and he was ‘daddy’. I still like to be a mummy.
4. I didn’t stay at home. Actually, I did but
for few hours to eat breakfast, lunch and
dinner and pass the night. The rest of the
day I’m with my “guys” (I had only males
friends as a child), playing guys’ games
(almost close to a tomboy) and taking walks
to wherever!
5. I buy and sell toys. Now, I’m not that industrious. Then I was so industrious, I like to sell but get no profit! Imagine buying a toy camera for 20 Naira and selling it at 20 Naira. Like who does that? Later my Economics teacher taught us the economist’s definition of ‘cost’ and I realized
I didn’t run my business well because I actually walk far to get those toys in my street. And those kids didn’t pay for my “walk”. Sad.
*Cassava flakes. Mostly called Garri in Nigeria, West Africa.
There’s sooo much more that I’ve put off because I think I’m grown now. Glory to
God! What have you put off as a child? Let’s talk childhood.
Comment below!
Thank you. God bless.
PLAYLIST #3 – Samuel Odunayo Komolafe
Danny Gokey’s song HOPE IN FRONT OF ME
was what inspired me to write this.
Although, the title was a bit of an issue
because there was a mix up on whether the
title should be ‘’HOPE IN FRONT OF ME’’ or
‘’DOWN BUT NOT DEAD’’ both of which are
lines from the song lyrics.
The song, ‘’HOPE IN FRONT OF ME’’ is what
reminds me of how cloudy some moments in
our lives can be, how rough the paths we
walk can turn and how stormy our lives can
get. The song talked about walking through
rain that we thought would never end, and
also about seeing the dark and broken
places in life. All these are what represent
those unpleasant situations that we go
through in life.
Life could be any of these things to anyone
that lives in this world without a true identity
of who they really are. But the story is not
the same for the children of light, those that
have their being rooted in Christ. Those are
the people that can see ‘’HOPE IN FRONT
OF THEM’’, they are the ones with the
assurance of HOPE; the ones whose
expectations are never cut short (Proverbs
23:18) because their hope is in the Lord.
The good thing about having our hope in God
is that we don’t have to rely on our strength
to go through those situations in life
because we already know that “By strength
shall no man prevail” (1 Samuel 2:9). Having
this knowledge help us to anchor our Faith in
God as we put our hope in His word.
Hoping can be really easy sometimes, but
the real test comes when we begin to see
the dark places of life, when we start
walking in rain that seems to never end.
That is when our faith is really put to test.
But if we must get to end of those moments
and situations that seems unending in our
lives, we need a FAITH that never stops
As Christians and children of God, our life is
meant to bring glory to our father by the
way we handle situations in our lives.
Triumphing would be meaningless without
obstacles to go through; overcoming would
be pointless if we don’t have hard times. Our
faith in God can be expressed through our
hope in Him and His word. Not just in the
difficult moments of our lives when
everything seems beyond our control, but
also in those great and happy moments of
our lives when we remember to thank him
for our successes and achievements,
knowing that it’s not our strength that has
brought us here.
When others are saying there is a casting
down, we have reasons to say there is a
lifting up (Job 22:29) because we know our
redeemer lives. We might be down but we
are not dead because there’s ‘’HOPE IN
FRONT OF US’’, CHRIST is our hope.
Yes, indeed, there is hope in front of us –
Christ in us, the hope of glory. If you’re in a
seemingly unending difficult situation right
now, let this post by Samuel Komolafe be an
encouragement to you. Keep your hope up
because hope never disappoints (Romans 5:
5a). Your victory is sure in Christ! Hallelujah!
You may want to listen to Hope in Front of
Me by Danny Gokey yourself, I already have
and it’s really blessing. Remember every
PLAYLIST post here is about the message of
the song.
Thanks and God bless!
You can connect with Samuel on Facebook
and on Twitter @Dauntless_Psam.
responsibilities a man or woman can have is
to parent a child. Because it is God
entrusting you with His own treasure to
protect, provide for, lead and teach to walk
in His ways.
The Bible reveals that the way we train our
child now is the way he will go when he is
grown (Proverbs 22:6). Implying that parents
need to be mindful of what they instill in
their children right from their tender age.
As Christians, our basis for living is in the
word of God, therefore our children – God’s
children should be taught and led in the
ways of God.
The topic is Cultivating thankfulness in our
The Bible says, “it is a good thing to give
thanks to the Lord”. Psalm 92: 1
Many parents in my part of the world (which
I believe is not quite different from the rest
of the world) tend to teach their kids to say
“thank you” to them for a gift they bought
for the new socks or dress they got them,
which is really beautiful and aplaudable.
However, parents must bear in mind that
thankfulness doesn’t end there. There is a
God who has been/ is orchestrating
everything in our lives and “It is a good thing
to give thanks to Him” because “every good
and perfect gift is from Him”. We can raise
thankful kids by first helping them discover
God’s goodness in their life.
But how do you help your child realize the
goodness of God in His life and be grateful
for it?
Many step-by-step approaches has been
given by various family bloggers but I am
convinced that it doesn’t get simpler than
Your being a mummy or a daddy means you
have an in-road into your child’s life, that is,
you have more influence on your child’s life.
And because every child learns by doing as
you do and not as you say.
You as the mom/ dad need to be an
example by recognizing the goodness of God
in your life personally and testifying about it;
talk about it to your child’s hearing when you
sit, when you walk, when you lie down and
rise up” (Deuteronomy 6: 7). Make it a
lifestyle to always see something to thank
God for.
Did you get a new job?
Bought a new car?
Cleared up your bills?
Paid the kids’ school fees?
Travelled safely?
Got yourself a new gadget?
These are things to thank God for. You
couldn’t do anything by your power.
When your life is full of thanks and joy to
the Lord for His goodness. your child can’t
miss it.
Then you can talk about and show him how
God has been good to his life also, Then you
can make him understand God was the One
who gave him understanding and wisdom to
be able to top the class; God was the One
who created him beautiful which is why
people always say “he’s adorable”, that it
to get him the toy etc. Enlightening your
child is key to leading him to thank God on
his own.
This attitude of gratefulness strengthens our
child’s faith and relationship with God.
Thankfulness to God means being spiritually
minded, that’s why kids shouldn’t be
“commanded into” it. Many parents who
desire this for their child miss this part and
go about teaching their child thankfulness
the wrong way and may end up with children
who are not really convinced about God’s
goodness in the long run.
Every revolution you want to see in your
child’s life starts with you and what you do
in the four corners of your home.
So I implore every homes to see the need to
cultivate the habit of thankfulness in not just
their kids but in their own lives as well
which is the starting point.
My prayer is that as we put this into
practice in our various homes, the
multiplication that comes with thankfulness
will be ours because there is always…
always a multiplication story to a thankful
heart causing us to have more and more
reasons to always say ‘THANK YOU LORD’.
Thanks a bunch for reading through.
God bless you.
I was in a conversation with a friend from the neighborhood and I got talking to him about Jesus Christ, but he said, “Look, I know everything about Jesus, don’t forget I attend a missionary school.” So why hasn’t he given his life to Christ yet? His answer: “I know I’ll sin again”
This is the reason why most of us do not desire to be a Christian after all. There’s this lie the enemy keeps telling us: “you will sin again”, “you can’t meet up to the standards”, “Christianity is hard” and it goes on. Like this guy, I’ve once believed these lies and distant myself from God. But the truth is being a Christian doesn’t mean you won’t sin again, it simply means you don’t have to sin again because you can say ‘NO’.
Accept Christ today, and find out how you can overcome the temptations, trials and tests that comes at you everyday. You might be Christian already but you also find that you’re not living the victorious life God intended for you as His Child because you’re constantly giving in to the temptations and lies thrown at you by the devil; you keep falling short and your life is on a sin-confess-sin-confess cycle and you sincerely desire a change.
This post is for you.
Lemme quickly say this again: Being a Christian do not mean you can not sin again, it means you don’t have to sin again because really, you can say NO. Let this verse from the scriptures be your revelation as it was mine:
“No temptation has overtaken you
except such as is common to man, but
God is faithful, who will not allow you
to be tempted beyond what you are
able, but with the temptation will also
make a way of escape that you may be
able to bear it.” – 1 Corinthians 10: 13.
This verse is so revealing as it holds three essential truths that will open us to freedom if we really get hold of what it is saying and willfully apply it to our lives.
The first part of the text reads “No
temptation has overtaken you except
such as is common to man” .
We need to first put in mind that temptation in itself is not sin, it is in yielding to it that we actually sin and as Christians we have all it takes to unyield and send the Devil packing. One sure step to doing this is to realize you’re not alone; whatever you’re going through in your life, someone else has gone through it, some are going through it right now and some are yet to go through it. God has said it is a common thing. Just as we all experience
We need to first put in mind that temptation in itself is not sin, it is in yielding to it that we actually sin and as Christians we have all it takes to unyield and send the Devil packing. One sure step to doing this is to realize you’re not alone; whatever you’re going through in your life, someone else has gone through it, some are going through it right now and some are yet to go through it. God has said it is a common thing. Just as we all experience
the pain of toothing as children, so will we all be tempted and we can OVERCOME! No problem is peculiar to you. Knowing that you’re not alone should be a relief. So do not be sorry for yourself nor see yourself as a Satan-victim because you’re not.
Reading on…
“But God is faithful, who will not allow
you to be tempted beyond what you are
GOD IS FAITHFUL! Hallelujah! He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle meaning YOU ARE ABOVE WHAT YOU ARE FACING. This should get you reassured. I can’t ask my 3 years old
GOD IS FAITHFUL! Hallelujah! He won’t allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle meaning YOU ARE ABOVE WHAT YOU ARE FACING. This should get you reassured. I can’t ask my 3 years old
niece to lift a 25kg load. Why? She can’t bear it. But I can ask you to, because I know
you can bear it. Did you get the idea? It’s the same with God and you. He’s not the one tempting you (James 1: 13) but He might permit it so you can show ‘em what you’re made of and make Him proud as He was with Job and with our Lord Jesus Christ when He said “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased”. You can decide to not do what the world or the flesh or the devil is telling you to do. It’s written black and white in your Bible: “Greater is He
that is in you”.
And the third part of the verse says “… But
with the temptation will also make the
way of escape that you might be able to
bear it”
Do you know that God has made a way of escape for you as you go through this challenge in your Christian walk? It’s all in there in Jesus Christ who is ever available to you.
In Christ, you’re always in charge and you can walk away…
Your escape way is in the Word of God. Just as Christ countered Satan in the wilderness
with Scriptures, you can also do same. As you begin and continue to acquaint yourself with the word of God, and acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit in you, and adhere to His teachings and counsel, as you continue to rely on Him, you are actually creating an escape way for yourself in the time of temptations and trials. Counter those contrary thoughts, lies, and wrong ideas with the word of God . And see your life move from glory to glory.
I pray as you put these into practice in your everyday life, you’ll come to realize and
experience that wonderful life God had always wanted you to have. Amen.
first verse I memorized after rededicating my
life to Christ in 2013. I had just asked God
how He expected me to not backslide with
“temptations everywhere” and in less than 10
minutes I was staring at that verse in awe
and excitement, “God spoke to me!”.
I’ve put this into practice in my everyday life
from then on and I’ve been winning although
I’ve not gotten there yet and still make
mistakes but He keeps reminding me “No
condemnation Simi” (Romans 8: 1). I fall but
I rise and I keep rising higher and higher to
the praises of God. So I bless God for this
Remember, YOU CAN SAY NO! So say it and
MEAN it!
TEMPTATION is nothing serious, it’s below you and very very conquerable through Christ.
Thank you for reading through. Looking forward to hearing your own testimony soon!
Remain blessed.
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