Monday, 1 May 2017


First off, Welcome to May!

Today May 1st has been set aside to celebrate every worker in the world (differs in some countries though) . I am using this medium to say THANK YOU and WELL-DONE to you all for what you do. As long as your service is adding value to humanity, I celebrate you.

Why am I saying this?
Because it’s not easy, especially to those doing 8 - 6. chai!
Lemme tell you this story, when I finished secondary school and admission didn’t come in as early as I had thought. I worked.
Worked as a secretary (with some jara duties) and I liked the experience. Because as time went by I knew I was brought there for a purpose because within that year I became a totally different person (but not without flaws).

I would not say I struggled for the job cause I didn’t even go through the normal process. No application letter, no submitting CV, even my interview wasn’t hot. Shout out to my big sis Funmi that got me into computer school, and worked out finding the job and negotiating the fee.

My mummy didn’t like the idea of me working, ‘she was like you are not suffering, it’s going to be hectic, you need to prepare for JAMB.’ etc. But we all managed to get her to accept.

And if you asked my boss, his assistant pastors, his wife, my mummy, my sisters, my brothers, my cats, even strangers how I did as a worker.

They will say ‘odikwa worst’.
But if you ask me, I’d say ‘fair enough, just had a little challenge’
If you ask me to be truthful, I’d say ‘odikwa worst’ (maybe).

In punctuality, it was nothing to write home about. My resumption time was 8am, and I don’t think I ever resumed early enough except during my first week when I was still excited and enthusiastic.
Many times, I barely made it by 10!
Yet, I always felt stressed!
I have a big challenge with being punctual.
You could chalk it up to being young and without responsibilities.
My boss was very very very very very very lenient with me to take my nonchalant attitude to work 1 year plus few months (I was excellent at other things anyway).

They leave home as early as 4 a.m. to beat traffic and get to work on time but get stuck in traffic on returning home, they get home exhausted but still continue the cycle the next morning cause if you are late, your salary gets deducted and you stand a big chance at being sacked. Finding jobs is not easy.
Some are under the pressure of meeting a huge target yet earning something meagre. Some are putting in so much to the job but it goes unrecognized.

It’s not soft work.

We appreciate you on this blog.

Let’s discuss:
1. Did you get a job in your early teens? If YES, How did you do? I hope I was not the only late-coming teen worker. If NO, why not?
2. What are the challenges in your current job?

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