Wednesday, 25 January 2017

How many of us likes Joseph’s story in Genesis 37/39?

I love how Joseph stayed true to God in the different situations of his life; how God came through for him after many years of deprivation, and how he forgave his wicked brothers so easily and even secured a good future for them and their children. Honestly, I love every part. But then, studying through the passage again, I feel the story may not necessarily follow this line had Joseph not been so carefree with his relationship with his brothers and father to an extent.
Of course God has a way of making things work together for good to those who love him and are called according to His purpose but here’s a food for thought for us.

Let's say I had the opportunity to hold an interview with him. After testifying of how blessed I was by his story I’m most likely going to ask him these questions:

  • When you gave bad reports of your brothers to your dad, did you think they would like you for it? Also,
  • Papa Jacob was showering you with all that love and attention, didn’t you think envy will ensue. What did you do about it?
  • ‘They hated you and could not speak peacably to you’, didn’t you notice?
  •  Why then, did you still give these same people a load down details of your God-given vision?

  My reason for asking these is cause even the littlest of kids can tell when someone likes him or not, talkless of a big boy (probably in his teens). I mean, we know when people can not talk peacably to us and we all agree it’s not a good sign.
I think Joe chose to ignore this very important detail.
We are in a world where strife and hate still have its footstool. No matter how 'family' a person is, we should be careful how much of our dreams and vision we share with them especially when they can't speak 'peaceably' with us.
Do not choose to be ignorant when you see them acting strangely to you. Many will try to talk you out of it, others will find ways to see that you don't succeed. You can't share your vision with these kind of people.
Wisdom is profitable to direct;
Let's borrow King Saul's wisdom on this matter;
Saul and his servant set out to go find their missing donkeys, then they decided to meet prophet Samuel to give them a word about their whereabouts. But Samuel had more to say; Saul would become the first king of Israel!
On getting home,  check out this conversation;
"Then Saul’s uncle said to him and his servant,  “Where did you go?”  So he said, “To look for the donkeys. When we saw  that they were nowhere  to be found, we went to  Samuel.” And Saul’s uncle said, “Tell me, please, what Samuel  said to you.”  So Saul said to his uncle, “He told us plainly that the  donkeys had been found.” But about the matter of the  kingdom, he did not tell him what Samuel had said." - 1 Samuel 10: 14 - 16
Why did Saul not tell about the king prophecy? My best guess is this uncle doesn't necessarily have good thoughts for Saul.
I'm not trying to say we should not trust our family, but still, let's be discerning and wise enough to know who and who not to commit our life issues with.
God advised to write out our vision so people can run with us to achieve. Please note these are people who are on their mark already.

Let's take note and watch it!

Thursday, 5 January 2017


What if God left the earth without form and full of darkness?
What if God never separated darkness from light?
What if God didn’t divide the firmament from water?
What if God created man in such a pitiable situation?
What if God didn’t create the green herbs and animals for us as foods?
What if God left us alone with no relations?
What if God left us naked?
What if God left us to the devil’s destruction?
What if God never sent Jesus down to redeem us?
What if God didn’t care?
Imagine the chaos; imagine the confusion; imagine the hunger, the loneliness, imagine the infections...  Imagine the quagmire.
I once heard a pastor said in his message that the reason why God’s word can never fall is because it is backed up with so much faith. I found that statement revelational and I took some time to meditate on it. In the course of brooding on that statement, I felt the Holy Spirit say; “Do you know why God is so great?” then He answered, ‘it is because God is very humble.”
What a statement!
Consider these;
Everything God does is a way of service to us. He is in the business of seeing the need and going extra miles to meeting it.
God said “I have given you every herb… every beast… every bird, and to you it shall be for food.”(Gen 1: 29 - 30) – God served us here and solved our hunger problem – when we men allowed the devil take charge of our world
When God saw that ‘it was not good for man to be alone’ (Gen. 2: 18), He started family and as we grew larger, we became friends, colleagues, communities and nations. There you have it, He solved our loneliness problem.
When man missed it through disobedience, “the Lord God made tunics of skin and clothed them" (Gen 3: 21). Why? Because they were naked! In a world where sin dominates, the scorching heat of sun burns and the freezing cold of the snowfalls makes us shiver – He clothed us. God served us and He met our nakedness need.
When men were helpless and hopeless, when the path we follow leads to death and eternal condemnation – when we’ve hurt God so bad enough for Him to retire from His service to us, yet, He didn’t let us fall away. Glory!
He sent down His own only precious Son down to the earth to bear our bruises, die for our sins and rescue us from the miserable life we were living. Once again, God served us by meeting our need for a purposeful and victorious life (John 3: 16).
Now some of us may prefer the word “help” – it sounds pretty befitting  for a God, I guess.
But then think about it again...
Isn’t  it pretty much service?
God is serving us…
He has been serving us along.
My life is a full proof of God’s marvelous service to me; He takes care of my provision, my protection, my salvation.
Though we be like grasshoppers in His sight. Yet, in His humility, He see us as His kids.
Writing about this overwhelms me and I can’t help but wonder like the Psalmist “What is man that you take knowledge of me; that you are just so mindful of me”? (Psalm 8: 4)
In His service to us, He doesn’t miss a detail. Since the creation of humanity, He  has always been there at our service. Jesus said “My Father has been working even until now – He hasn’t even ceased” . The Son has observed the Father so long that He concludes “whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant.”
When His son came to earth, He followed the example of the Father – serving. He told us “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.” And that was exactly what He did. Imagine the joy when He declared ‘It is finished’ and breathe His last. Think of what we gained from His selfless sacrifice.
The Lord God and Jesus Christ His son has set an example for us by not even being of service to their peers rather to people of lower statuses. Should we not imbibe this attitude of humility and service to our everyday lives?
I think we should.
Think upon this as you start your new year.
And remember your greatness is in your service.

Thank you and God bless!